Hey! We have an amazing Summer Youth Camp for you guys.

If you are:

  • between the ages of 18 and 25
  • able to communicate in English
  • available and fully committed to taking part in the Imagine Peace Summer Camp from 27 August till 02 September 2017
  • involved in youth or community projects in your own community and motivated to implement youth initiatives for social inclusion and peace building
  • curious, open-minded and appreciative of diversity

You are the right candidate to join the 3rd Imagine Peace Youth Camp

Save the Dream in partnership with the International Olympic Truce (IOTC) and the British Council, is organizing, the 3rd Imagine Peace Youth Camp, under the UN auspices.

The Camp will take place on 27 August – 02 September 2017 at the International Olympic Academy in the Ancient Olympia, Greece.

This camp will gather 50 participants from more than 15 countries around the world with different cultural and political backgrounds will come together for one week to take part in a series of educational workshops and sports activities that aim to promote equality and peace, and explore the role of sport in the peaceful resolution of conflict. A team of experienced facilitators, volunteers and Olympic champions will facilitate the programme. Let me attached a brochure for your ease of reference.

The participants or their organizations are expected to cover the international travel costs to and from Athens as well as camp fee of 500 euros to cover accommodation, 3 meals per day, development of materials and local transportation.

Interested participants should fill the attached application form and send it to Ms. Sakina Diab ([email protected]) by 15th of June 2017 the latest since the nominees will need time to apply for visa and arrangements..

For any further info/ assistance also please contact Ms. Sakina Diab via email or phone number +974 55989503

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