As a part of its efforts to promote access to sport to young girls, Save the Dream under the initiative of Qatar Airways, promoted several peer-to-peer activities involving girls from various walks of life.

The ‘trait d’union’ of this initiative was Jessica do Vale, a 16-year-old girl from a Favela in Rio de Janeiro, who visited first a football project for young girls in Savigny-le-Temple in Paris’ outskirts during the FIFA Women’s World CupTM 2019 and then young female football players living in Qatar.

Jessica’s involvement made possible by Street Child United Brazil (SCUB), and her story on how sport has changed her life and those of other girls from her Favela, were key to encouraging other young women to participate in sport, regardless of their socio-economic or cultural status. Jessica’s journey was captured on video, produced and disseminated globally by Qatar Airways and aimed at inspiring millions with its powerful message.

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