As part of its ongoing efforts to inspire young people and promote and protect the values of sport, Save the Dream reunited with the International Olympic Truce Centre and British Council from August 27th till September 2nd 2017 to host the third edition of the Imagine Peace Youth Camp. Bringing together young people from over fifteen countries around the world, including young peace activists selected by Save the Dream coming from the MENA region, the Imagine Peace Youth Camp included a range of interactive educational workshops and sports activities that aim to give participants aged 18-25 hope through sport, as well as promoting equality and peace and the role of sport in peacefully resolving conflict.

As part of this year’s event, Save the Dream led the educational module called “Sport in building intercultural understanding”, which included a two hour workshop and range of case study exercises to help educate young people about the vital role sport can play in enhancing cultural understanding and peace building between different communities. Building on last year’s event, which saw Save the Dream help young athletes from across the MENA Region take part, this year’s IPYC follows the successful opening of a Save the Dream Chapter in Thessaloniki, Greece earlier this year.

The participation in the IPYC also built on the agreement signed in Times Square in 2015 by Save the Dream and International Olympic Truce Centre IOTC. In addition to this activity, the two organisations are further strengthening the relationships by building together innovative youth volunteering activities based on sport with a focus on intercultural and inter-faith dialogue, equality and peace, peace and conflict resolution. Pedro Velázquez, Director of Social Innovation and Empowerment at Save the Dream, said: “By participating in the Imagine Peace Youth Camp, Save the Dream s delighted to share with young people the importance of sport, as well as highlighting the vital role it can play in sharing and celebrating different cultures and communities. “In addition, Save the Dream is delighted to be partnering again with the British Council and International Olympic Truce Centre for the Imagine Peace Youth Camp and strengthening our relationship to promote and protect the importance of sport values to young people.”
Constantinos Filis, Director International Olympic Truce Centre, said: We worked hard with our partners to present participants with an innovative program; a program that stimulates their active participation and offers them a unique educational experience. And this is not a one-off attempt. This program does not end here. There will be a long post-evaluation process, of which they will also be an integral part. At the end of the 3nd Imagine Peace Youth Camp, attendees will become the new and most dynamic members of the Olympic Truce family: our Ambassadors to their countries and communities. By attending our Camp, it is clear that they have chosen the path of dialogue, of understanding, of respecting each other’s opinions, the path towards reconciliation. This is not a single institution’s effort. A team of great people, coming from different organizations, worked closely for the success of this project. In that respect, I would like to cordially thank “Save the Dream” and personally Mr. Pedro Velázquez for his dedication and precious contribution to the success of the 3rd Imagine Peace Youth Camp.

Save the Dream Executive Director Massimiliano Montanari, concluded: “As a partner of the UN Alliance of Civilization, we are fully committed to promoting mutual understanding across nations. We start from the values of sport to build new leaders and provide these agents of change with the right tools to help inspire other young people in their own societies and at the international level. “
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